Directions for installing the updated Ancilla Fax Cover Page, which corrects the identification of the Sender's Phone and Fax numbers. Be sure to press the Enter Key after typing each of the commands. 1. Copy the COVER.FIX file into your Ancilla directory. For example, If you installed Ancilla onto your C drive with the default directory name, use the following command at a DOS prompt: COPY COVER.FIX C:\ANCILLA\COVER.FIX If you installed Ancilla into a different location, be sure to substitute the appropriate drive letter and path. 2. Change to your Ancilla directory. If you installed Ancilla onto your C drive with the default directory, use this command: CD \ANCILLA 3. Rename the current COVER.TIF file with the following command: RENAME COVER.TIF COVER.OLD 4. Rename your new COVER.FIX file with the following command: RENAME COVER.FIX COVER.TIF 5. Make the new COVER.TIF file read only with the following command: ATTRIB +R COVER.TIF You have completed installing the updated cover page! Note: If you are having difficulties getting your area code to appear in the "From" line, you should add your area code to the "Phone Number" field in the setup portion of the Ancilla software.